Wednesday 22 January 2014

Strawberry cake with rhubarb and honey


250 g of rhubarb
250 g of strawberries
150g Honey
3 eggs
50g sugar
250 g flour
130 g of butter
1 teaspoon baking powder


1. Preheat the oven gas mark 6 (180 ° C).

2. Cut the butter into small pieces and melt it over low heat.
3 Whisk the eggs in a bowl with honey and sugar. Add the flour, baking powder and melted butter.
4. Peel the rhubarb, chop it into pieces and pour in the batter. Mix with a spatula.
5. Wash strawberries, remove the stems, wipe and cut them in half.
6. Roll strawberries in flour so they do not stagnate at the bottom of the mold. Just put them in a bowl with flour and stir to whether they are well treated.
7. Add the strawberries into the batter and mix gently to avoid damaging them.
8. Bake for 45 min. The last 15 minutes, put aluminum on the cake so it does not burn (the honey accelerates coloring). Let cool thoroughly before cutting.

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